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Fallbrook Community Center - Wade Into Fitness

Fallbrook Community Center - Wade Into Fitness


Health Yoga Fitness


Classes available @ Fallbrook Community Center

Fitness Fusion M-W-F 8:30-9:30 AM
Healing Yoga Mondays 5:15 PM

Wade In - One Step at a Time

Small steps add up to big changes. It's the positive mind, the healthy body, education, fun, commitment, laughter, community and effort with compassion - that add up to true health...


W  Wholeness

A   Affirmation

D   Diet

E    Exercise


Wade into Fitness has a unique integrative fitness approach. Integrative means "combining or coordinating separate elements so as to provide a harmonious, interrelated whole."

How does Wade into Fitness provide a unique Integrative or Fusion fitness approach?

Wade in: start from where you are with doable steps.

Find: an atmosphere without judgement where you feel free to customize your fitness.

Choose: elements that work for you.

Add: movement & Fun - Cardio, Music, Laughter, Dance Fitness.

Explore and Honor: the positive mind/body/heart connection, reduce stress - work with your body, psychology, and yoga.

Receive: the information and research in easy to incorporate bite size pieces.

Connect: with others and find the social support that's a big part of lifetime fitness.

Incorporate: take the best, leave the rest.




Ann Wade

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