Bejoca Grove & Landscape Management
Agriculture/Horticulture Grove Service Landscape
How is Charley a different grove manager?
Charley played a pivotal role in increasing the sales and the marketing of avocados nationwide.He served as a multiple term Avocado Commission Chairman and headed a nutrition committee for over 20 years that was responsible for educating consumers in the nutritional benefits of avocado consumption.
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When importers arrived at our agricultural doorstep, Charley was key in drafting, (and lobbying to get it passed), a Federal Promotion order requiring a monetary assessment on the tonage of avocados coming into the USA from offshore suppliers. The promotion order was crafted to use the assessment money for nationwide marketing, and create a Federal Board to oversee the spending of the funds. Offshore producers could no longer ride on the coat tails of California Marketing Promotions, they would have to start paying their way. Charley was elected to take the helm of the newly formed entity, as the Chairman of the Federal Haas Avocado Board, a responsibility with worldwide implications, and served for 4 years.
What does this have to do with you and your grove, and who you choose as a manager?
The answer is simple: Professionalism, Honesty, and Integrity. These are the words Charley Wolk has lived his life by, worked by, operated his business by and served his country by.
That’s why you want a professional grove manager; Charley laughs when a realtor asks him to evaluate a grove for a client because at one time or another, over the past 35 years, he has planted, picked, cleared, or stumped most groves in Fallbrook, and known most of the original owners.